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  • Writer's pictureMaples Academy of Dance

September 2019 eNews - It's MAD's 10th anniversary!

Updated: May 3, 2020

It's official! Dance starts this month and we couldn't be more excited to celebrate our 10th anniversary season with all of you superstars! Classes begin the week of September 9th.  To help you get a jump start on planning, make sure you check out our dress code to help you with all your dance shopping, as well as our class schedule to mark your class days and times on the calendar. Parents, help prepare yourself too, by checking out this post on how you can help make the most of your child's dance experience.

Fall Registration Week

Still have family and friends who want to register for dance? Remind them about our fall registration week at the studio.

We'll be open from September 3rd-7th for tours and in-person registration. 

August Registration Contest Winner!

Congratulations to Kate A, the winner of our August Registration Draw. As the winner, Kate will receive a complimentary MAD Swag Bag!  Thanks to everyone who took part in early registration this season, and congratulations to all of our registration draw winners! Registration for the 2019-2020 dance season will stay open until September 30, providing there is space left in the class.

Pre-Order Your Recital DVDs & Add Ons

New this year, you can pre-order your recital DVD. Order your dvd or recital package today and save time later in the year. Place your order in the studio office today!

Performance Team ID CAMP

Dancers, are you ready? The ID CAMP is here! 

When is the camp: Age 7-9       Tuesday September 3, 3019 from 6pm-9pm Age 10-13   Wednesday September 4, 2019 from 7pm-10pm Age 14+      Thursday September 5, 2019 from 7pm-10pm Registration confirmations, parent meeting slots, and registration packages have all been sent out to dancers registered for the ID Camp. If you have any questions, please email the studio today.

Recital DVD Pick Up Reminder

Returning dancers who ordered a DVD from Shine 2019, don't forget to swing by the office to pick up your DVD, if you haven't already.

Superstar Shout Out!

Do you know a member of our dance family who deserves a superstar shout out for the great things they're doing? Email the studio today!


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