The style of hip hop has evolved over the years with the emergence of B-boys through to choreo crews, Regardless of how the genre has evolved, one thing remains, and that is a dance culture full of high energy, passion, and a dynamic and groovy vibe that is unique to hip hop!

Maples Academy of Dance has grown from a few small recreational classes to an award winning program, recognized locally and abroad. Our hip hop dance classes in Winnipeg teach basic fundamentals and core movements. These provide the building blocks to develop more advanced moves and choreography in various styles from B-boying to house to dance hall and beyond. Under the guidance of our award-winning dance instructors, hip hop dancers from age 7 and up, in recreational and competitive classes at Maples Academy of Dance are taught confidence, pride, and passion for dance. Whether free-styling, dancing in a small group, or taking the stage with a large crew, our hip hop dance Winnipeg instills an element of fun and a high level of energy to entertain their audience.
Looking for a exciting, high energy, and strong style of dance? Sign up for hip dance today!